Virtual Promotion
There will be a virtual Black Belt Promotion in our Zoom Dojang on Sunday, Nov 21st at 2:00 PM EST, sharp and it is open to ALL schools with lineage to Grandmaster Son. If you would like to attend this event please join the zoom link posted at for the event on Nov 21st, and please login early. If you are a martial artist, we ask that you attend in FULL UNIFORM. If you are a spectator, we ask that you dress in your "Sunday best" attire as this is a graduation ceremony. Please dress for the occasion. This "battlefield promotion", is NOT in lieu of your school's traditional promotion. The formal, in-person test/promotion will still happen, but at a later date. This virtual promotion is an opportunity for all to celebrate not only the individual achievements of those advancing in rank but also a moment for all to assemble to support each other in this most trying time.
INSTRUCTORS: If you have a student you want to promote please register them (for free) at THIS link . Please note the timeline listed at this link will be modified and is not accurate. All head instructors will be asked to lead various portions of this virtual event. Be sure to invite your students, friends and family!
PROMOTEES: You will be expected to demonstrate Basics, Forms and 3-steps. Breaking and Sparring will not take place on May 16th. Please make sure you are in your school's full uniform. Be sure to invite your friends and family!
STUDENTS: You will be asked to participate in Basics, Forms demonstration, and 3-steps. Please make sure you are wearing your school's full uniform. Be sure to invite your friends and family!
SPECTATORS: Please dress for the occasion and take as many screen shots as you can during the event! Please invite as many friends and family as you would like. There is plenty of room in the virtual dojang and all of you will get a front row view!
ALL: The virtual dojang is hosted by Summer Black Belt Camp LLC, which is run as a non-profit by volunteers. Your financial support to SBBC LLC is greatly appreciated. Our Spring Black Belt Promotion was supposed to be held at ArtsQuest in Bethlehem, PA but in light of the pandemic, the event was cancelled. As a gesture of support to ArtsQuest, which is a non-profit organization, we did not ask for a refund of the deposit made for the Nov 21st event. ANY donation to SBBC LLC would help support this donation. You can make a donation at this link:
We look forward to seeing you at the virtual promotion. Please feel free to join us beforehand in our virtual dojang. You can find the schedule and link at
If you have any questions please direct them to